Two types:
(1)General Purpose Registers
(2)Special Purpose Registers
(1)General Purpose Registers
Names: B,C,D,E,H,L
8 bit Storage Capacity
Possibles pairs: (B,C),(D,E),(H,L)
Pair means which performs logical or arithmetic operations
(Special thanks to Pradipta)
(2)Special Purpose Registers
Used for Special purposes as the name suggests.
(I) Accumulator(A or ACC)
(II) Flag Registers
(III)Program Counter(PC)
(IV) Stack Pointer(SP)
-> any arithmetic or logical operations
-> 8 bit register
-> Result stored in Accumulator itself
Program Counter
-> Holds address of instruction, which will be executed next
-> 16 bit register
Stack Pointer
->First sir told a few examples of Hexadecimal Subtraction
(2000)H - 1 = (1FFF)H
(2FFO)H - 1 = (2FEF)H
(2F00)H - 1 = (2EFF)H
Just follow the two tricks i showed in the first post of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers (6th Aug.)
In normal conditions we used TOP = TOP + 1
But, now we will do TOP = TOP - 1
The reason why its done can be understood by the diagram

So as address decreases upwards, thats why TOP=TOP-1
Flag Register

Accumulator carry(AC) is crossed or don't cared because SIR SAID SO!!
A <- B C
C <- D E
A <- carry 1 9 A
Here A is the Accumulator. And output data is stored in the Accumulator
Carry 1 cant be stored in the accumulator since it is only a 8bit register as i already told.
So carry 1 will go to the D0 register i.e. CY
Important Point:
After any arithmetic or Logical operation
If accumulator contains
-> Even Number of 1 ---------Parity P(D2) will be 1 i.e. P=1
-> Odd Number of 1 ---------Parity P(D2) will be 0 i.e. P=0
So, as we got (9A)H in the accumulator
whose binary will be 1001 1010
it has even number of 1s (4 in this case)....So P=1
Z-Zero Flag (in D6)
After any arithmetic or Logical operation
if answer is Zero
Then Zero flag = 1
Zero Flag = 0
A <- B C
A <- B C
A <- 0 0
So, hence zero flag (Z) would have been 1.
But in the example we started with A<-9 A..Z=0
SIGN 'S'(in D7)
After any arithmetic or Logical operation
D7th bit of the result at the accumulator is 1
then S = 1
S = 0
So, the Final Flag register will look something like this.....

Few Very Important points
-> 8085 cannot distinguish between positive and negative numbers
-> while writing in exams, use the sentence :"After any arithmetic or Logical operation"in case of Flag Registers
-> Q. Why 8085 microprocessor is called 8-bit microprocessor?
Answer. Its Because 8085 microprocessor can access 8-bit data simultaneously.
Thats all...Hope u enjoy...
great job yara