Lets Protest NOW!!
I needed a platform to say these few important things and HERE I GO!!
For how much long we have to wait till we get a new classroom. The class is creating lots of problem for us both physically and mentally. Improper ventilation is causing suphocation. There are only three ways for the air to get out of the room. One door and two windows.
No teacher wants to keep the door open as it creates lots of disturbances. The window (Actually its a quarter window) beside the stairs does not seem to be pleasing the teachers either. So only one (HALF) window for the air to evacuate.
Application sent last week. No news of any solid decisions heard. So we have to wait for how much long....1 week...2 week..a month..or a damm semester.
This way it wont do.
Believe me those teachers wont do anything for us until they feel what we are undergoing. We have to protest against this and that too quickly.....
What are our choices, How can we protest:
1. Everybody should go to the Director's or HOD's room and ask for immediate changes.
Defination of SAFE-BUNK
Inventors: Few boys of IT 3rd years
Safe Bunk is an appropriate alternative to the usual MASS-BUNK, where we inform the teachers about the BUNK and GIVE OUR ATTENDENCE to all the respected teachers who were scheduled to take the class on that day.
3. Exchange the Faculty room with our class room. ;-)
ITS NOW OR NEVER.....lets do it NOW!!
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