High level Language (using interpretator/compiler)------------->Machine Language
Low Level Language (using Assembler) ------------------------->Machine Language
Interpretor: If any error in line(say line no 40)then the interpretor stops.Ex- Basic
Compiler: If any error is detected (say in line 30), then it will continue to process until the end of the program.(thus it will also give all the errors). Ex- C
Register Related Instruction
Operation: A <- [A]+[B]
ADD: is operational (or Op) code whose size is 8 bit(or 1 byte)
note: every op-code is of 1 byte size
Data Related Instruction
operation: A <- [A] + 07H
ADI:Add Immediate- 1 byte
07H: Data (in hex)- Size 4 + 4 bits = 8bits = 1 byte
Total size: 2 bytes
Address Related Instruction
JMP 2000H
JMP:1 Byte
2000H: 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16 bits = 2Bytes
Total Size: 2 + 1 = 3 Byes
Code-----------Operation-------------------Bytes ==============================================================
ADD B---------A <- [A] + [B]------------------1
ADI 07H-------A <- [A] + 07H----------------2
ANA B---------A <- [A] and [B]---------------1
ANI 07H-------A <- [A] and 07H-------------2
ORA C---------A <- [A] or [C]----------------1
ORI 07H-------A <- [A] or 07H--------------2
XRA B---------A <- [A] XOR [B]-------------1
XRI 07H-------A <- [A] XOR 07H-----------2
MOV A,C-------A <- [C]---------------------1
MVI A,07H-----A <- 07H-------------------2
STA 0705H---------------------------------3
STA: means the content of the accumulator will be transferred to the 0705H location
LDA 2010H---------------------------------3
LDA: means the content at 2010H will be stored at the accumulator
JMP 2050H----------------------------------3
After executing the instruction the control will be transferred to 2050H location.
INR B---------B <- [B] + 1--------------------1
DCR B---------B <- [B] - 1--------------------1
Q. Write the instructions for : B + C
Q. How to reset the accumulator?
Ans. There are three methods, but i will show you only the method you have to use...
Its because if we apply XOR to same value, the output is always zero.
Q. 1+2+3+4............10
MVI B,0AH---------//10 i.e. OAH is stored in he Register B
XRA A--------------//Reseting the accumulator
XY: ADD B---------// A <- [A] + [B] so, A<-10
DCR B--------------// B <- [B] - 1 so, B<-9
JNZ XY------------//Control will go to line XY until value of B is zero